Wednesday, November 16, 2005


This is off of the Singing News Website. About the arrangements of Steve Ladd's Mother. Steve is the tenor of Gold City.

Funeral Arrangements for Violet Ladd

BOONE, NC(Singing News) -
Violet Ladd, mother of Gold City's Steve Ladd, passed away Thursday, November 10 at 10 a.m. She was 57 years old. She passed due to a blood clot that went to her brain and caused a stroke.

The viewing will be held Saturday, November 12, 3-5 p.m. at Wolfe Funeral Home (803-547-7575) in Fort Mill, SC.

Funeral services will be held at Higher Ground Church in Fort Mill, SC on Sunday, November 13 at 2 p.m. Directions for the church are avaliable at

Cards may be sent to:

Steve Ladd
Gold City Qt.
P.O Box 2100
Gadsden, AL 35903

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